Equity Scholarship Program


The Equity Scholarship Fund was created to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of the nursing workforce in Oregon. The program seeks to provide early financial support for applicants from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups enrolled in a nursing program.  Applicants who self-identify as a member of an underrepresented group are encouraged to apply.


According to national projections, the United States non-white population will be the majority by 2043, and will steadily increase thereafter, with people of color accounting for 57 percent of the country’s population by the year 2060. Those figures are significant because communities of color continue to experience disparities in the healthcare system, including access to quality healthcare, access to proper health education, and poor patient-provider communication.

Introducing more diversity to nursing is a vital tool to address health equity and improve patient care. Nurses interact with patients daily, so as the demographics change, the need to have patient care providers who are in tune with this increasingly diverse population is a pressing concern.

In Oregon, the registered nurse population is 88.5% white compared to 78.5% of the overall population. The Oregon Nurses Foundation supports the development, promotion and implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion policies, practices and programs to improve patient care.

Description of Fund

The Equity Scholarship was created to increase the racial and ethnic mixture of the nursing workforce in Oregon to more closely reflect the patient population. The program seeks to provide financial support for applicants from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups enrolled in a nursing program. An applicant who self-identifies as a member of an underrepresented group is encouraged to apply.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Scholarship Criteria:
    1. Active enrollment (currently taking core curriculum courses) in an Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) approved nursing program in Oregon.
    2. Selection of the awardee is based upon the following elements:
      • Identification as a member of an underrepresented racial/ethnic group in nursing in Oregon (40%)
      • Leadership skills and experiences (20%)
      • Future contributions to nursing (15%)
      • Value of scholarship (10%)
      • Certified shortage area (15%)

Amount of the Award

Award will be up to $5,000 and the funds will be submitted directly to the school in which the student is enrolled and applied toward tuition, fees and other institutional education costs.


Documents for a Complete Application:
  1. Completed online application.
  2. UNOFFICIAL transcripts with at least one term of core nursing curriculum grades submitted directly to ONF. This is proof of current enrollment in core nursing courses in an approved Oregon school of nursing.
  3. One letter of recommendation from a nursing faculty will be required.
    ● Please address that the student is in good standing in the program.
    ● How long have you known the student?
    ● Any examples of leadership.
    ● Any additional information pertinent to scholarship criteria


  • March 15 – May 1: Applications are available online.
  • May 1: Applications must be received by the ONF electronically.
  • May 2 – May 31: Applications are reviewed by the ONF Scholarship Committee.
  • Fall: Funds are transmitted to the educational institution at the beginning of the term.

Applications must be submitted by end of day, May 1, 2025.

For questions about the scholarship or the application process, please contact the ONF at info@oregonnursesfoundation.org